Adjustments Help: A Chiropractor Blog

Managing And Preventing Back Pain Between Your Shoulders

When people discuss back pain, they are most often referring to pain that occurs in the lower back. But while lower back pain may be the most prevalent in the population, some people do suffer pain in the upper back — between their shoulders. Pain in this part of the back has its own unique causes and contributing factors, so it needs to be addressed in a different way. Here are some tips to help manage and prevent pain between your shoulders.

Keep Your Shoulders Back

Lower back pain is often caused by slumping forward when you're seated. Upper back pain is specifically caused or made worse by letting your shoulders round forward while you're seated — and especially as you are typing. Sitting with your shoulders slumped forward places continual strain on the region of your spine between your shoulders. Make a conscious effort to sit with your shoulders back. Maybe you can put a sticky note on your screen that says "shoulders back" to remind you to adjust your posture each time you see it.

Don't Lift Too-Heavy Things

If you go to the gym and lift weights, or if you lift heavy things at work, pay attention to just how much you are lifting. If you are lifting weights that are too heavy for you to effectively lift with your arms alone, you may be placing additional strain on your shoulders and upper back each time you lift. Start lifting lighter weights for a while, and make sure you are keeping your back square as you lift. If you are not able to keep your back square when lifting something, that something is too heavy for you.

Stretch Several Times Per Day

Stretching out your upper back is actually pretty easy, and doing so a couple of times per day can help ease and prevent upper back pain. First, raise both of your arms over your head, and reach upward towards the sky. Then, fold your arms across your chest. Twist all of the way to the left, hold that position, and then turn all of the way to the right, and hold that position. Finally, bend forward at the waist, letting your arms hang loose as you stay folded for about 10 seconds.

If you follow the tips above, you can ease existing back pain between your shoulders or keep it from arising in the first place. If your back pain persists, make an appointment with a chiropractor.

To learn more, contact a resource like Davison Chiropractic
